Volume Commitment Discounts (cloud)

Q4 2024 Discounts

Offer: Get discounted platform SMS message rates by committing to a volume of messages in advance.

How it works

Customer commits to purchasing a set number of SMS messages upfront at a discounted rate. Once the volume is exhausted, additional messages will be billed at the standard rate. There is no time restriction on using the committed volume, providing flexibility in usage.

Discount tiers

  • 10 million messages – 5% discount
  • 20 million messages – 10% discount
  • 30 million messages – 15% discount
  • 40 million messages – 20% discount
  • 50 million messages – 25% discount


A customer commits to 20 million messages at a 10% discount. They pay EUR 2,700 upfront (20 million messages x EUR 0.00015, minus 10%). This volume can be used over any period of time until it is exhausted.

If the customer needs more messages after the 20 million is used, any additional messages will be billed at the standard rate of EUR 0.00015 per message or a new volume commitment can be entered into.

Without the volume commitment discount, the cost of 20 million messages would have been EUR 3,000, so the customer saves EUR 300 with the volume commitment.


  • The advance payment is non-refundable.
  • Volume commitment must commence in October, November, or December 2024.

Next steps

Contact [email protected] to get this discount as a new or existing customer.