SMSC Simulator


SMPP Testing Service

SMSC Simulator is part of the Melrose Labs SMPP Testing service.

Melrose Labs provides access to SMSC simulators (aka SMPP server simulators) for use in the development and testing of SMS text messaging capabilities within applications. They simulate SMSCs (short message service centres) and SMPP SMS gateways, and simulate SMS message delivery. SMPP v3.3, SMPP v3.4 and SMPP v5 are supported using TLS and non-TLS connections.

Applications send SMS messages to mobiles by submitting messages to the SMSC Simulator service using SMPP . The SMSC simulators simulate the delivery of the messages, including the generation of delivery receipts back to the application. SMS messages from mobile numbers (i.e. MO SMS) can also be submitted and delivered to the SMS application.

There are three SMSC Simulator services: the public service, the Dedicated SMSC Simulator instance service and the AWS Marketplace Dedicated SMSC Simulator service. All are part of Melrose Labs SMPP Testing services.


Service documentation: