Connections to SMSCs and SMS gateways

SMSC connections are defined in the Suppliers > SMSCs section. These are the connections to your suppliers from your SSG instance that will be used for delivering SMS.

The SSG can connect to suppliers using SMPP or HTTP/REST. Where a supplier does not support SMPP, the SMPP-HTTP Bridge is used to enable a connection to the supplier's SMS API.



Each SMSC connection dialog has the following tabs:

  • Main - supplier, SMPP credentials and SSG location for connection
  • Parameters - submission rate, timers
  • Control - set state of connection
  • Monitoring - set-up alerts
  • Test - n/a
  • Logs - connection logs

Add new SMSC connection

A new SMSC connection is added by clicking on the Add SMSC button.

Supplier SMSC configuration dialog (add new SMSC)

Supplier SMSC configuration dialog (add new SMSC)

After an SMSC has been created, it should be added to an SMSC group (see SMSC Groups).


For each service from a supplier, two SMPP binds using two separate SMPP accounts should connect the SSG instance to the supplier’s service. This will ensure that this supplier’s service remains usable in the event of a node/server failure on the SSG platform or the supplier’s service.

Binds should be made from separate SSG nodes, ideally geographically separate (e.g. one SMSC bind on London and another on Frankfurt). Binds should be made to separate nodes (or servers) of the supplier, ideally geographically separate.

Edit existing SMSC connection

To edit an existing SMSC connection, double-click on the SMSC row or click the "Edit" button at the right of the row.



Supplier SMSC configuration dialog (edit existing SMSC)

Supplier SMSC configuration dialog (edit existing SMSC)


Supplier of the SMSC connection.


Full name that identifies this SMSC connection.

Short Name

Name to be used throughout SSG Portal for this SMSC.

System ID

SMPP system ID (or username) for the SMPP account on the SMSC.


SMPP password for the SMPP account on the SMSC.

System Type

SMPP system type (if applicable) for the SMPP account on then SMSC.


Hostname for the SMSC. Enter hostname or IP address of SMSC in curly brackets {}.


Port number for the SMSC.


Setting not used. SMPP over TLS is currently provided using a TLS proxy. Contact [email protected] with the host and port provided by your supplier for connecting to their SMSC platform and we will provide you with the TLS proxy host and port to use.

Connect From

SSG location (e.g. London or Sydney) that should connect to SMSC. The SMSC connection will automatically be allocated to an SMSCGW node at the selected location. Automatic allocation takes place when “Connect From” has a location selected, and the SMSC has “administratively down” unchecked and “enabled” checked.

If your supplier needs to whitelist IP addresses for connections to them, remember to provide them with the IP address (2 of) for the SSG endpoints that will connect to them (see Supplier Endpoints).


Submit limit (TPS)

The rate at which the SSG platform is to submit SMS to the SMSC, in transactions per second (SMS/sec).

EnquireLink interval (s)

The maximum period of inactivity (in seconds) before the platform will send an enquire_link PDU to the SMSC.

SMPP version

SMPP version to be used when connecting to SMSC.


If checked, a transceiver bind will be used to connect to the SMSC, other separate transmitter and receiver binds will be established.


Administratively down

Use to control the SMPP bind to an SMSC. Set to bring the bind down and disconnect from the SMSC.

Suspend submit

Used to control submissions to an SMSC. Set to stop the sending of SMS to the SMSC.


Used to make the SSG platform aware of an SMSC. Disable only when the SMSC connection is no longer required. Should not normally be used. Use "suspend submit" and "administratively down".


Identifier of an SMSC for use when performing operations using the SSG Management API .



Receive alerts when SMSCs go DOWN

See Supplier SMSC alerts using SIGNL4 tutorial on how to set-up alerting for your SMSCs.

Alert webhook (JSON)

Use the Alert webhook (JSON) parameter to pass SMSC state changes (UP/DOWN) to any webhook. The webhook is specified using JSON. We recommend the use of SIGNL4 ( ) to receive and manage alerts.

For example (SIGNL4):

The webhook will receive a POST with a JSON payload similar to the following:

{"From":"MLSSGMonitor","Message":"SMSC DOWN: EU-UK ML SMSC Simulator 1","To":"Operations"}

The From field will have the value "MLSSGMonitor".

The To field will have the value "Operations".

The Message field contains the alert and is formatted as follows:

SMSC [state]: [site] [smsc-name]


state: UP or DOWN
site: SSG site (e.g. AP-AU)
smsc-name: short name that you have given to the supplier SMSC


Enable/disable the display of a widget representing the state of the SMSC connection in the following views:

  • Dashboard
  • Dashboard2
  • Suppliers > SMSCs

Using the LINE messaging app

Alerts can be sent to a LINE account using LINE Notify. Alerts are sent to LINE accounts associated to personal access tokens generated by LINE at

Get an access token from LINE at the above web address and enter it into the webhook (JSON) field in the SSG Admin Portal after the URL

For example:

To have alerts sent to multiple LINE accounts, add multiple LINE access tokens to the URL and separate each with a comma.

Other messaging apps

A SMaM URL can be used to send alerts to other messaging apps (e.g. Signal). If you need assistance setting-up alerts, get in contact with Support.


SMSC connection logs show connection attempts, SMPP binding and disconnections.

For example: "Bind response status=0 (0x0)" indicates that an SMPP bind has successfully been established to the SMSC.