Term Commitment Discounts (cloud)

Q4 2024 Discounts

Offer: Get discounted platform SMS message rates by committing to a term.

How it works

Customers’ minimum monthly billing amount of 2 million messages (or 800,000 messages for micro aggregators) is charged in advance for the entire duration of the selected term at a discounted rate. Any additional message volume beyond the minimum will be billed monthly at the same discounted rate.

Discount tiers

  • 6-month commitment – 10% discount
  • 12-month commitment – 15% discount
  • 24-month commitment – 20% discount
  • 30-month commitment – 25% discount
  • 36-month commitment – 30% discount


A customer with a usage of 3 million messages per month chooses a 12-month term at a 15% discount. The minimum monthly volume of 2 million messages is billed upfront for the entire term. This results in an advance payment of EUR 3060 (12 months x 2 million messages x EUR 0.00015, minus 15%).

The remaining 1 million messages per month will be billed at the discounted rate of EUR 127.50 per month (1 million messages x EUR 0.00015, minus 15%). Over the 12 months, this amounts to an additional EUR 1530.

In total, the charges for the 12-month term come to EUR 4590.

Without the term commitment discount, the cost for 3 million messages per month over 12 months would have been EUR 5400, resulting in EUR 810 in savings with the term commitment.


The advance payment is non-refundable.

Term commitment must commence October, November or December 2024.

Next steps

Contact [email protected] to get this discount as a new or existing customer.