Pricing Changes and Distribution
Pricing documents such as CSVs and PDFs can be distributed to customers by email when pricing changes occur or when pricing information needs to be shared - for example, during customer onboarding.
Reporting database upgrades
The reporting database is used to generate reports on MT and MO SMS traffic passing between your customers and suppliers.
Pricing plan changes taking effect
Pricing plan changes for customer pricing now take effect precisely at the effective date/time (accurate to the second).
Reject messages using DLR
The SSG now supports using DLRs when rejecting customer messages using rules. Previously, rejecting messages was only supported with a negative submit_sm_resp returned in response to the customer's submit_sm.
Delivery receipt network error
The network error code is now included in the delivery receipt text within the deliver_sm PDU short message field. It was previously only included in network error TLV.
Message content blocking based on rules
Blocking of message content by firewall for an SMPP account based on criteria (e.g. destination country of message). Content blocking currently applies to all traffic sent by an SMPP account that a blocking content list is associated with. This update allows blocking content list to be applied based on criteria.
Configuration update speed
The speed of configuration updates taking effect on all SSG nodes has been greatly increased, resulting in the majority of changes taking effect within 1-minute of being saved.
Data topics
Data topics allow the automated collection of data about some aspect of your SSG instance. They can be used to monitor some aspect of your SSG instance or used within Rules. An example is the traffic level to a specific network since midnight by an individual account. Another example is the volume of messages via a supplier SMSC connection.