Pricing distribution
Pricing documents such as CSVs and PDFs can now be distributed to customers by email when pricing changes are notified, and when you otherwise want to send pricing information (e.g. as part of onboarding).
Email templates
The emails sent use templates defined in Configuration > Company > Email templates. There are two templates that are defined and can be customised by you as required:
- Pricing: Current pricing
- Pricing: Notification of pricing change
These are shown below:
When a pricing change is notified, the resulting email will look similar to the following:
As with all emails generated by your SSG instance, the logo, email signature and sending email address are configured in the Configuration > Company section of the SSG Admin Portal.
Send pricing change notification
When you change pricing, you will want to notify your customers of the changes.
Pricing can be changed in two main ways:
Pricing > Plan prices
Pricing can be changed in the Pricing > Plan prices section either by using the "Change price" button alongside each price, by uploading pricing, or by adding or ceasing (removing) a price item.
When using this way, the new pricing should be sent to customer by using the "Email" button in the Pricing section. Clicking this button for a pricing plan will send the new pricing to all customers using services that are associated with this pricing plan.
You can choose to only send the email to yourself if you wish to preview what customers will receive.
Services, pricing plans and routing profiles
Services are associated with a pricing plan and a routing profile. Pricing plans can be used by multiple services or only one service.
Pricing > Pricing changes
This way gives an improved work flow when making pricing changes and notifying them to customers. At present, this way only supports pricing changes to countries and not networks.
For a pricing plan, you can manually create a group of proposed pricing changes. In the Pricing > Pricing changes section. select the relevant pricing plan and then click the "Create manual Pricing Plan changes" button.
Into this group of proposed pricing changes, you would add a price change by clicking the "Add price change" button and entering the new price for the destination.
When you have add all the changes, click on the "Approve" button.
Clicking OK will cause the pricing changes to be made and email notifications generated and queued.
The email notifications will be queued and can be seen in the Customers > Notifications section.
To start sending the notification, click the "Send notifications" button.
As each email is sent, an entry will be added to the Notes tab of the customer's account indicating that the notification has been sent to the customer.